Click on this button to zoom in to an area of the city.
Click on this button to zoom out of an area of the city.
Click on this button to zoom extent to the city limits.
Click on this button to print the current zoom extent of the map area.
Click on this button to find distance between two points. The default distance unit is Feet.
Click on this button to connect to city’s social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Click on the Street View button and drag it on the desired street to activate the street view functionality. Zoom closer to the area for better geographic accuracy of the street view functionality.
This tool allows you to select parcels within a desired buffer distance from the point of selection. The point selection can be made by drawing a line, polygon, point or selecting individual parcels.
This is an address locator tool. It allows to upload excel spreadsheet with address and the tool will return the exact geographic location of the addresses on the map. The tool requires having a “Address” column name. Click on X to clear the selection.
Go back to enCodePlus.
Search for address or parcels.
Search for Zoning Districts
Land Use details for landuse lookup.
View map at full screen.
Send feedback for technical support.
View data layers. You can turn on/off the layers by double clicking on the layer name.
Switch basemap to view your operational layers on a reference map.